Practice Areas
Real Property Management
Ken Michaels Authors Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education December Flashpoints, “Appellate Court Affirms No Fiduciary Duty Owed by Association To Protect Others Outside Perimeter of Condominium Property.”December 2024
The First District affirmed dismissal of a case brought by the administrator of an estate of a drowned four-year-old boy against ten defendants including condominium and homeowners’ associations, management companies, and developers. Purevdori v. Mission Hills Condominium T-2 Ass’n, 2024 IL App (1st) 231693.
Ken Michaels Authors Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education November Flashpoints, “Seventh Circuit Affirmed Dismissal of Challenge to Chicago Short-Term Leasing Ordinance.”November 2024
This month’s article reviews a Seventh Circuit affirmation of dismissal of constitutional claims against a Chicago short-term leasing ordinance without ever getting to the constitutional aspects of the claims. The Seventh Circuit observed in Mogan v. City of Chicago, 115 F.4th 841 (7th Cir. 2024) that the plaintiff unit owner misquoted the underlying prohibition against leasing throughout the proceedings and, on that basis, held that the plaintiff had knowledge that short-term leasing was prohibited before he purchased the unit.
Ken Michaels Authors Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education September Flashpoints, “Court Holds That Failure to Notify Unit Owner of Meeting Nullified Contract to Sell Condominium Property.”September 2024
The discussion below focuses on a condominium association where the owners are at odds with each other, but also where no one monitored the fact that the condominium declaration violated updated provisions of the Condominium Property Act. The unit owners are left at the end of the case with an entirely unmanageable piece of property.
Ken Michaels Authors Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education August Flashpoints, “Condo Board’s Lawsuit Against Developer Constitutes Prior Pending Action.”August 2024
In Majerle v. Winona, 1302 LLC, 2024 IL App (1st) 231339-U, when a condominium board of directors sued a developer and others for construction defects on a newly constructed six-unit condominium building and a unit owner then brought his own action against the same defendants, the appellate court affirmed dismissal of the unit owner’s later-filed lawsuit.
Ken Michaels Authors Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education July Flashpoints, “Association Failed To Overcome Presumption of Undue Influence in §15 Sale of Condominium Property.”July 2024
In this article Ken discusses a recent Illinois Appellate Court decision to reverse the entry of summary judgment for a condominium association’s section 15 sale of units.
Ken Michaels Authors Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education June Flashpoint, “Appellate Court Affirms Unit Owner’s Liability for Usurping Common Elements.”June 2024
The Third District of the Illinois Appellate Court recently affirmed entry of summary judgment in favor of a condominium association and against a unit owner who, acting without board approval, broke through the ceiling of her unit and raised the ceiling a little over two feet. Claymoor Condominium Ass’n v. Majewska, 2024 IL App (3d) 230171-U.
Ken Michaels Authors Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education May FlashpointMay 2024
In this article Ken discusses how bankruptcy debtors could still retain possession of units after eviction orders entered in state court.
Ken Michaels Authors Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education February FlashpointFEB. 2024
In this article Ken discusses the Illinois Appellate Court decision regarding the First District upholding a permanent injunction against unit owners who do not maintain architectural continuity.
Ken Michaels Authors Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education January FlashpointJAN. 2024
In this article Ken discusses how the Illinois Supreme Court revivifies how courts look at insurance policy issues.
Ken Michaels Authors December Flashpoint for the Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal EducationDEC. 2023
In this article Ken discusses how unit owners of a parking garage condominium have no action for trespass or eviction against an association which bars access for a year to make necessary repairs.
Developed large tract of land in Chicago
Developed a large tract of land in a Chicago suburb involving dozens of buildings, several condominium and homeowner associations, and sales to hundreds of purchasers, negotiating several municipal development agreements and the issuance of municipal general obligation bonds.
Managed the sale of the Purple Hotel
Managed and conducted the sale of a famous Chicagoland hotel, the Purple Hotel, through a bankruptcy proceeding.
Negotiated the acquisition of ice cream shops
Negotiated and conducted the acquisition of a chain of ice cream shops through a bankruptcy proceeding.
Negotiated fire prevention equipment
Negotiated, documented, and supervised the installation of fire prevention equipment and sprinklers in a large downtown Chicago hotel while it was in a chapter 11 bankruptcy.
Developed hotel-investment condominium
Developed one of the first hotel-investment condominium projects in Illinois.
Negotiated lease terms with US SSA
Represented a Fortune-100 company in negotiating lease terms and conditions with the US Social Security Administration and then selling the property.
Represented not-for-profit corporation buying from U.S. Navy
Represented a not-for-profit corporation in purchasing from the US Navy a large tract of land at Fort Sheridan, Illinois.
International contract dispute regarding a leasehold
Second-chaired in federal court an international contract dispute regarding a leasehold dispute which resulted in a favorable post-trial settlement.
Commercial leasehold disputes post-Covid
Prepared for and assisted several commercial leasehold disputes post-Covid over restaurants and commercial enterprises in the Chicagoland area.
Pre-trial resolution in condo breach lawsuit
Prepared for and assisted in negotiating the resolution on the eve of trial of a condominium breach of fiduciary duty lawsuit.
Lead Counsel in international purchase of goods contract dispute
Served as Lead Counsel in Supreme Court of Albania in an international purchase of goods contract dispute and in a real estate title dispute.
Won summary judgment on behalf of a commercial landlord
Won summary judgment on behalf of a commercial landlord in a suit arising out of the tenant’s breach of a commercial lease during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Resolved claims against subcontractor client
Favorably resolved claims against a subcontractor client in commercial property damage lawsuit arising out of damages to the balconies in high-end area of Chicago, Illinois.