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Cybersecurity & Data Protection


Data security litigation is an emerging practice area. Our Cybersecurity + Data Privacy practice focuses on business, technology, and legal risks arising out of the collection, processing, use, and storage of sensitive data or personally identifying information. Our lawyers provide clients with pre-breach and post-breach legal services. Legal risk in data security and privacy has emerged as one of the leading risks affecting businesses today.

Bauch & Michaels approaches each Cybersecurity engagement by understanding the client’s business needs with an eye toward how its information assets are protected. We routinely perform risk assessments to identify any potential gaps in technology, process, or people. Clients know their business and our experience has taught us its best to curate a strategic approach to data protection and mitigate downside technology risk in today’s digital economy.

Our lawyers come from both the public and private sectors and carry key affiliations with strategic partners who can help resolve disputes before they ripen into litigation. We are comfortable litigating all cybersecurity and privacy related lawsuits. If litigation is necessary, then our lawyers are prepared to prosecute or defend the interests of data breach victims.

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